The social divides of the housing crisisA home for old age: a problem set to grow

The elderly of the future will reach retirement with less accumulated resources and with much more polarised...

Digital map of the city of Barcelona
Barcelona, a digital technology hub

The charts point to Barcelona as a leading hub of the new economy, which is developed around information and communication technologies (ICT). In recent years, the city has...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureThe discourse trap that drives young people into precariousness

Individualism and competitiveness have encroached on many aspects of young people’s lives. They are exposed...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureUnwanted loneliness: when being connected isn’t enough

Unwanted loneliness is not just linked to ageing. On the contrary, some studies reveal that it is young...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureThe teenage brain, a time of change and transformation

During adolescence, morphological and physiological changes take place that have a profound effect on the...

Vista aèria de Barcelona de nit
A day in the life of Barcelona

In the course of a day, 1,660,314 people constantly breathing and on the move generate a great number of movements, interactions, needs, aspirations… In a year, 11,510 new lives are born...

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