SubjectDemography and population
The elderly of the future will reach retirement with less accumulated resources and with much more polarised...
When we talk about a housing cooperative under a cession of use scheme, we are talking about collective...
Having witnessed a dismal response to the financial crisis of...
The charts point to Barcelona as a leading hub of the new economy, which is developed around information and communication technologies (ICT). In recent years, the city has...
Individualism and competitiveness have encroached on many aspects of young people’s lives. They are exposed...
Unwanted loneliness is not just linked to ageing. On the contrary, some studies reveal that it is young...
During adolescence, morphological and physiological changes take place that have a profound effect on the...
In the course of a day, 1,660,314 people constantly breathing and on the move generate a great number of movements, interactions, needs, aspirations… In a year, 11,510 new lives are born...
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