The elderly of the future will reach retirement with less accumulated resources and with much more polarised...
Irene Lebrusán
She holds a PhD in Sociology and has undertaken the roles of post-doctoral researcher at Harvard University and analyst at the National Office of Foresight and Strategy.
She currently coordinates the department of Quality of Life and Longevity Societies at the International Centre on Ageing (CENIE) and is a lecturer at the Carlos III University of Madrid. She is the author of the book La vivienda en la vejez. Problemas y estrategias para envejecer en sociedad [Housing in Old Age. Problems and Strategies for Ageing in Society] (“Politeya” Collection, CSIC [Spanish National Research Council], 2019).
Last Update: October, 2023
Articles by Irene Lebrusán
The social divides of the housing crisisA home for old age: a problem set to grow
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