Il·lustració © Nicolás Aznárez
Urban violenceThe new social violence

The social sciences often associate the violence that is manifested on the street with an organisation, a social movement or an ideology. The new forms of protest are more difficult to...

Una família amb l’àvia, un adult i un nen passegen pel mig del passeig de Sant Joan, que forma part de la xarxa d’itineraris segurs © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Goroka
Barcelona, a mirror of our time

The city is the story of the people who have inhabited it and inhabit it, of their work, of their aspirations. People are born and die, and while they live they shape the surroundings...

La Rambla. Mosaic de Joan Miró al pla de l’Os © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Vicente Zambrano
Evolving demographics

Albert Martin Design (Storydata)

In 2020, Barcelona broke the all-time record for...


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