Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesJosep Maria Esquirol’s combative spirituality

Josep Maria Esquirol’s philosophy of proximity is based on the description of the constitutive experiences of the human condition and gives us an anthropological, concrete and...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesThe spirit, an emerging intangible element

In the current context of cultural and religious plurality we are witnessing something unexpected: a resurgence of the spiritual dimension. As we mature, so do our images and ideas, and...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesSpirituality: Beyond fashions

Religion is declining while spirituality is growing. The social sciences had not foreseen this phenomenon but it is reflected in the polls: 48.1% of the adult population identifies as a...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesNurturing the inner world

Among the major cultural changes that are taking place in contemporary societies is an unexpected phenomenon: the emergence of a new spirituality, often detached from any moral or...

Retrat de Mónica Rikić © Mariona Gil Sala
“We can decide a lot more things about technology than what we are led to believe”

Mónica Rikić

When we hear the word ‘coder’, a young engineer swaying dangerously close to sociopathy comes to mind, obsessed with becoming the new Mark Zuckerberg. Mónica Rikić (Barcelona, 1986), new...

Exposició Urban Nature al CCCB
The cities within the city

The Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, from its outset, has thought and rethought the city from all kinds of perspectives. In 2021, the CCCB wished to go one step further and...

Una de les sales de l'exposició En temps real. La Col·lecció Rafael Tous d’art conceptual al MACBA.
In real time

Catalan museum heritage has largely been built thanks to private collectors. This is the case of the collection belonging to the textile businessman Rafael Tous, the founder of Metrònom...

Espectacle de dansa i acrobàcies agafades pel cabell de Laura & Francesca al Castell de Montjuïc, dins del MAC Festival de la Mercè 2020. © Manel Sala
Culture is (not) safe

During the long months of the pandemic we’ve had enough of claiming and asserting that culture is safe. We have reduced venue capacity, we have adapted schedules to curfews, we have...

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