Retrat de Luis Cabrera. © Martí Petit
“When they hurt me, I didn’t turn the other cheek”

Luis Cabrera

Thanks to his tenacity, his personal rebelliousness and his untameable nature, Luis Cabrera (Arbuniel, Jaén, 1954) has been weaving an abundantly rich life story that he now explains in...

Dues de les il·lustradores del projecte del mural reivindicatiu feminista de la Model pinten una de les parts pujades a una bastida. © Martí Petit
To the rescue of culture

Culture has been one of the sectors hit hardest by the pandemic. Artists have learned a painful lesson from this crisis at first hand, which is that you cannot create when you are...

Retrat de Jordi Savall © Martí Petit
“Music is the most spiritual of all the arts”

Jordi Savall

Having turned eighty on 1 August, Jordi Savall tells us about his past and his life and professional career as a world viola da gamba virtuoso and orchestra conductor, but also about...

Dilluns ens estimaran, Najat El Hachmi
The black hole of men’s domination of women

Najat El Hachmi, who went down in history for winning the Ramon Llull Prize with El patriarca [The Patriarch] in 2008. It was the first time that a Moroccan writer had received...

Llibre. Per una educació en llibertat
Education as a tool for transformation

Per una educació en llibertat. Barcelona i l’escola. 1908-1979 [For an Education in Freedom. Barcelona and School. 1908-1979] is a collective work that brings together a legacy...

Obra de Vicenç Vilaplana de la sèrie Sota el Sui.
Painting at the edge of a precipice

The Vila Casas Foundation brings together the entire oeuvre of Vicenç Viaplana for the first time in the exhibition Vicenç Viaplana. The Places of Painting. This retrospective...

Park Güell. Entrada © Ajuntament de Barcelona / AL PHT Air Picture TAVISA
Turisme i cultura després de la pandèmia

The debate forum “City, tourism and culture: a joint opportunity” – organised by the Department of Tourism and Creative Industries in conjunction with the Sixth Deputy Mayor’s Office for...

Barcelona: Tired History

Simón is a realistic novel about Barcelona, with an adventure novel component and elements of moderate criticism. Simón begins like Pimpinela Escarlata (...

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