Llibre: Claudi Montañá. Estoy hablando de mi generación (Artículos 1972-1977), antologia i pròleg de Josep Maria Ripoll. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2020
Claudi Montañá, the article as a work of art

Claudi Montañá was the most unique voice in music criticism in the seventies. Nobody could combine popular journalism with creative literature in their texts like he could. Josep María...

El sostre de miralls de la nova estructura que acull i reflecteix les parades dels Encants Vells, ara ubicats a l’Avinguda Meridiana i tocant a la plaça de les Glòries. © Rafael Vargas
Els Encants: The art of the autobiographical found object

Encants i miralls de Barcelona is a dream come true for its authors, the photographer Rafael Vargas and the writer Victoria Bermejo. Rarely, and without planning, can a project...

Una exposició a La Virreina. © Vicente Zambrano
Hits and misses. The state of photography in Barcelona

Barcelona’s cultural scene cannot be understood without photography. The link stretches way back and has reached the 21st century with renewed vigour. The city can boast of...

Cámeres de fotografia antigues. Objectes a la venda als Encants de Barcelona. © Rafael Vargas
Capturing reality

The collective memory of this city is permeated with thousands of images that reveal the fascination that photography has historically held. But has the love been reciprocated here? In...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
A special gift

Mum is turning sixty-five and I must give her a special gift. I start feeling the pressure the day my granny calls me from the village to remind me – she’s ninety-four, but her head and...

Espectacle inaugural del Festival Grec 2020. © Edu Bayer / Ajuntament de Barcelona
Treading carefully and not looking too far ahead. The post-lockdown future of culture

Cancelling, postponing or rethinking. These are the options Barcelona’s cultural initiatives have had to decide between during the Covid-19 lockdown. Each project has chosen its own path...

Teatre Grec © Edu Bayer / Ajuntament de Barcelona
Defending culture

What future awaits culture in the wake of Covid-19? In the debate featured in this issue, the opinions concur in retaining that the problems facing culture go way back and that the...

La tradición cosmopolita. Un noble e imperfecto ideal, Martha Nussbaum. Paidós, 2020
The dignity of being citizens of the world

Nussbaum traces the genealogy of the cosmopolitan tradition, which is rooted in the response given by Diogenes the Cynic when asked where he was from, to which he answered he was a ...

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