Llibre: Las mejores palabras, Daniel Gamper
The best words

Free speech is society’s right to discuss important matters, because it is only through discussion that the truth can be discovered. In fact, democratic life involves discussing those...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe policies sought by the new generations

The design of the current welfare state and the social and economic reality facing young people today suggest that their demands will be more of a qualitative (a reorientation of policy...

Retrat de Jordi Casanovas © Santiago Sepúlveda
“Playwrights should talk about things that affect them”

Jordi Casanovas

Jordi Casanovas was going to be an inventor, but he was struck by the fever for theatre due to the Argentine authors Rodrigo García and Javier Daulte. One of the most prolific...

Retrat de Lídia Heredia © Albert Armengol
“Sometimes I wonder: with so much information, when do we think?”

Lídia Heredia

Each morning, we can start the day listening to Lídia Heredia on her TV3 programme Els matins. Credibility, rigour and professionalism are words that describe her and what she...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo

If Diamante Trivallo had ever been told that she was going to spend a lifetime in the same job, she’d have been very upset. Luckily she wasn’t told. Diamante has always liked to have the...

Shooting of the film Solo química [Just a Little Chemistry]. © Rodar y Rodar.
The Catalan audiovisual market

Does it make sense to speak of a Catalan audiovisual market today? Catalonia’s audiovisual ecosystem is undergoing a serious crisis. We have talked with professionals in the sector,...

El visor d'una càmera de fotografia digital.  © Goroka. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Stories and cities

Major cities are always accompanied by a story that promotes them in the world. In the culture corner debate we analyse why the crisis endured by the audiovisual sector does not...

Illustration © Sonia Alins

1. At the crack of dawn, when I go out on my motorbike, a long tailback forms at the exit to my town, between the Citroën garage and the motorway’s incline, but it doesn’t affect me: I...

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