Retrat de Jordi Savall © Martí Petit
“Music is the most spiritual of all the arts”

Jordi Savall

Having turned eighty on 1 August, Jordi Savall tells us about his past and his life and professional career as a world viola da gamba virtuoso and orchestra conductor, but also about...

Una família amb l’àvia, un adult i un nen passegen pel mig del passeig de Sant Joan, que forma part de la xarxa d’itineraris segurs © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Goroka
Barcelona, a mirror of our time

The city is the story of the people who have inhabited it and inhabit it, of their work, of their aspirations. People are born and die, and while they live they shape the surroundings...

La Rambla. Mosaic de Joan Miró al pla de l’Os © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Vicente Zambrano
Evolving demographics

Albert Martin Design (Storydata)

In 2020, Barcelona broke the all-time record for...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe Seven Trends That Will Make the Future of Work

The pandemic has revealed and accelerated a lot of changes in the way we live and work. It’s become clear that the home is a place of production, that more and more workers can work...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe ecology of work: a new labour paradigm

Labour law should pave the way for work to be directed towards the production of wealth that supports human needs and desires. And in this search for meaning, which endeavours to...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workRedefining work, the workforce and the workplace

“The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.” These are the words of the philosopher Antonio Gramsci referring to moments of...

Retrat d'Alba Sotorra. © Laura Guerrero
“I make films to show realities differently”

Alba Sotorra

Alba Sotorra Clua (Reus, 1980) makes documentary films out of a desire to become acquainted with realities and provide a different perspective to the one conveyed by the Western media...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyOvertaking the old mobility. The car, from host to guest

Cities are currently the scene of the foremost social, environmental and economic challenge posed by sustainable mobility. It is time to apply new formulae, such as vehicle sharing, the...

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