Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureThe irrelevance of truth

History has shown that power owes less to knowledge and the defence of truth than to the actual possibility of shaping and imposing a discourse. The real problem of our time is...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureWho cares about the world? On the power of responsibility

Singer and Harari discuss how individual responsibility towards others and the planet should be exercised. To accomplish collective goals such as the fight against poverty or animal...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco
An uncertain futureThe future is not set in stone

Crises are occurring one after the other and the turmoil they cause is hitting us harder and harder. People are beginning to realise that the wellbeing we enjoy may be in jeopardy.

Guixetes per recollir comandes fetes a Amazon a l’estació de plaça Catalunya dels Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat. © Dani Codina
Amazon, the super-termite

Fulfillment: America in the Shadow of Amazon is the result of a decade of research by journalist Alec MacGillis on the effects brought about by the...

Retrat d'Elvira Dyangani Ose. © Álex Losada
“We must take responsibility for changing so that the world changes too”

Elvira Dyangani Ose

Photographers claim that some people make the camera fall in love. If that’s true, Elvira Dyangani Ose is one of those people. Those in high-ranking positions do not usually...

Barcelona Metròpolis 123 - Bretxes digitals
Digital dividesMunicipal policies for digital inclusion

Faced with the need to leave no one behind, cities are giving impetus to projects that advocate for digital inclusion, facilitating access to new technologies and their use. To...

Il·lustració. © Laura Watcher
Digital dividesDigital partners: benefits of intergenerational learning

The population’s digitalisation does not take place at the same pace for everyone: young people are better able to acquire digital skills than older people. Intergenerational...

Barcelona Metròpolis 123 - Bretxes digitals
Tropical nights, torrid nights, a new climate risk

One of the indicators of climate change is the rise in temperature, which increases the risk of mortality in the elderly or those suffering from chronic diseases. Heat waves will...

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