Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityThe city and the challenge of a just transition

Energy is a right. Although local government does not have powers in the major domains of energy regulation, it can...

El periodista Josep Maria Huertas intenta el 1997 travessar el carrer de Lisboa enfangat, al barri de la Clota. © Pepe Encinas
'Cròniques del fang'. When journalists wandered the streets

Through the book Cròniques del fang [Mud Chronicles], Jaume Fabre pays a fitting tribute to the journalist Josep Maria Huertas Claveria and the journalism named after...

Recorregut amb pilotes gegants creat per l’artista Albert Gusi en col·laboració amb el Centre Cívic de Navas i l’Associació de Memòria Històrica del barri. © Albert Gusi
Redesigning the city’s cultural fabric

In 2021, Barcelona City Council adopted a Cultural Rights Plan designed to strengthen social cohesion through the recognition of the right to cultural practices, and to promote...

Barcelona Metròpolis 124 - Un futur incert
Digital technologies, the new driving force behind Barcelona’s economy

Thanks to the confirmation in July of the city as the permanent home of the Mobile World Congress, Barcelona is enhancing its appeal as a development hub for the technology...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain future'Ok, doomer'. Climate anxiety and imaginaries of collapse

The collective expression of fear turns individual anxiety into collective paralysis, and, as far as the climate crisis is concerned, this is the fastest and surest road to disaster....

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureDemocracy, sovereignty and territory: Squaring the circle

How do democracy, sovereignty and territory relate to one another? The ownership and exercise of sovereignty make...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureOur crisis of democracy

The beginning of the 21st century presents us with challenges that force democracies to improve. New challenges, both global and those specific of each area, such as Southern...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureWhich future for democratic politics

We are up against a crisis of neoliberal hegemony that could pave the way for authoritarian governments, but that can also present the opportunity to restore and strengthen democratic...

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