Espectacle de dansa i acrobàcies agafades pel cabell de Laura & Francesca al Castell de Montjuïc, dins del MAC Festival de la Mercè 2020. © Manel Sala
Culture is (not) safe

During the long months of the pandemic we’ve had enough of claiming and asserting that culture is safe. We have reduced venue capacity, we have adapted schedules to curfews, we have...

Cavallet de mar fet amb materials reciclats. © Curro Palacios
Ecological limits and limits of science

Climate change is the major political, social and cultural challenge of our time, but it also constitutes a major challenge for science and technology. The City and Science Biennial,...

Dues de les il·lustradores del projecte del mural reivindicatiu feminista de la Model pinten una de les parts pujades a una bastida. © Martí Petit
To the rescue of culture

Culture has been one of the sectors hit hardest by the pandemic. Artists have learned a painful lesson from this crisis at first hand, which is that you cannot create when you are...

Il·lustració © Nicolás Aznárez
Urban violenceBehind Barcelona’s barricades

Does the burning of rubbish bins as a form of protest on the streets of Barcelona correspond to flames of social revolt that evoke the spirit of the Rose of Fire? Or, on the contrary, do...

Vista aèria del Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona i gratacels del tram final de la Diagonal. © Ajuntament de Barcelona /  TAVISA
Barcelona, collective talent to drive an upturn

Barcelona is a city that is resilient, open and permeable to change. It has been so in its 2,000-year history, tackling every crisis with innovation, connectivity and growth. It needs to...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyA zero waste society

In Barcelona, in 2019, almost 800,000 tonnes of waste were generated. Awareness of the waste we generate can move us to action. Big cities must pave the way for a zero waste society, and...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyPublic transport, a clean and efficient mobility alternative

People need to move to interact with one another, to go to work, to study or to shop, to enjoy leisure time or to socialise and be with family and friends. In Barcelona, the solution to...

La tradición cosmopolita. Un noble e imperfecto ideal, Martha Nussbaum. Paidós, 2020
The dignity of being citizens of the world

Nussbaum traces the genealogy of the cosmopolitan tradition, which is rooted in the response given by Diogenes the Cynic when asked where he was from, to which he answered he was a ...

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