Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapYoung people doing politics differently

It has often been said that young people are not interested in politics. There is evidence that points to the contrary and that shows that interest in politics is not a matter of age....

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe generational shadow makes its presence felt

Forty years since the transition to democracy, the generational makeup of our society is changing. The children of that era already comprise half of the population and take centre stage...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapWhen stability seems utopian

In recent decades, job insecurity has taken root in society and affects younger generations in particular. The delay in gaining access to decent employment postpones all the rites of...

Llibre: Barcelona pròxima, Andreu Ulied
“Retro-progressivism” and in praise of technocracy

Barcelona pròxima, besides bestowing high praise on technocracy, is an urban planning manual, an intellectual biography, a compendium of urban history, a philosophical essay and a...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesThe myth of the entrepreneur and the value of the invisible

In recent years we have witnessed the glorification of the figure of the entrepreneur. Job offers require skills that are not always essential. Society needs entrepreneurship and...

Illustration © Eva Vázquez. A person looks at a painting of a ledger. The painting shows descending lines that emerge from the ledger and pierce through the ground.
Lessons from the crisisOpen wounds

There are more poor people today, and they have even less than before the crisis. Organised citizenship has tackled this situation with social innovation and solidarity, but worsening...

Retrat de Fina Birulés © Camilla de Maffei
Knitting spaces of feminist thought

Fina Birulés

Distilling thought involves the strenuous task of condensing sense and syntactic skill. Those who know Fina Birulés know of her tenacious precision in thought and speech, a precision of...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Un joc de puzzle de peces quadrades desendreçades. El puzzle és un mapa de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona amb els noms d'algunes de les poblacions.
Building the metropolisA new metropolitan governance

New economic, social and environmental issues cannot be addressed solely at a municipal level. It is time to consider a new model of institutional integration that enables metropolitan...

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