Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureDemocracy, sovereignty and territory: Squaring the circle

How do democracy, sovereignty and territory relate to one another? The ownership and exercise of sovereignty make...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureOur crisis of democracy

The beginning of the 21st century presents us with challenges that force democracies to improve. New challenges, both global and those specific of each area, such as Southern...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureWhich future for democratic politics

We are up against a crisis of neoliberal hegemony that could pave the way for authoritarian governments, but that can also present the opportunity to restore and strengthen democratic...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureThe irrelevance of truth

History has shown that power owes less to knowledge and the defence of truth than to the actual possibility of shaping and imposing a discourse. The real problem of our time is...

Barcelona Metròpolis 123 - Bretxes digitals
Digital dividesMunicipal policies for digital inclusion

Faced with the need to leave no one behind, cities are giving impetus to projects that advocate for digital inclusion, facilitating access to new technologies and their use. To...

Retrat de Bruce Katz. © Marc Javierre
Bruce Katz. Networked cities and urban leadership in the face of global challenges

Bruce Katz defines himself as an interdisciplinary urban planner, and is a great advocate of cities’ problem-solving capacity in the face of today’s global challenges. Classified by his...

Retrat de Patrick Radden Keefe. © Mariona Gil Sala
Portraying the world before changing it

Patrick Radden Keefe believes in the journalism that tirelessly seeks the truth to dig deeper and make information the first step in transforming the world. In a conversation with Mònica...

Vista parcial del litoral de Barcelona. © Vicente Zambrano González
Barcelona Green Deal: Roadmap for the city’s economic recovery

Barcelona is a global city immersed in urban transformation processes linked to economic competitiveness, social equality, environmental sustainability and public health, factors already...

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