SubjectFeminism and women
He wasn’t allowed salt, but he gave himself special dispensation when he was with his beloved fancy woman. Well, he did so every day, and Anselm was already long enough in the...
Spurred on by social media, cancel culture is gaining ground. In its name, works, opinions and even people are cancelled. Its advocates contend that it is a way of giving a voice...
Emma Vilarasau
Two days after Lali Symon premiered at the Romea theatre, as part of the latest Grec Festival, Emma Vilarasau arrives in the theatre’s foyer before locking herself in...
The design of a substantial amount of housing is based on an obsolete concept that organises space according...
Festivals have become the ultimate popular spectacle of our times. They have built themselves from scratch in just three decades. In Barcelona, we have gone from a tentative and...
The exhibition Rere els murs del monestir. Set-cents anys d’una història en femení [Behind the Monastery Walls. Seven Hundred Years of a Female History] allows us to...
Maruja Torres
Maruja Torres arrives at our interview on foot with the aid (more mental than physical) of a wooden walking stick. She says that walking is good for her, and she counts her steps...
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