Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe Seven Trends That Will Make the Future of Work

The pandemic has revealed and accelerated a lot of changes in the way we live and work. It’s become clear that the home is a place of production, that more and more workers can work...

Retrat de Sílvia Pérez Cruz © Alex Rademakers
“It’s nice to love the music you are at every stage of your life”

Sílvia Pérez Cruz

Despite the overall uncertainty in the world of culture and the constant changes in her concert schedule, Sílvia Pérez Cruz started the year 2021 on a strong footing...

Retrat d'Alba Sotorra. © Laura Guerrero
“I make films to show realities differently”

Alba Sotorra

Alba Sotorra Clua (Reus, 1980) makes documentary films out of a desire to become acquainted with realities and provide a different perspective to the one conveyed by the Western media...

Teatre Grec © Edu Bayer / Ajuntament de Barcelona
Defending culture

What future awaits culture in the wake of Covid-19? In the debate featured in this issue, the opinions concur in retaining that the problems facing culture go way back and that the...

Barcelona, Fotògrafes/Fotógrafas, d`Isabel Segura.
Barcelona in the eyes of women photographers

For a long time, Spanish photographers saw their creative aspirations determined by the role society assigned to them. The book Barcelona, fotógrafas, by Isabel Segura – which...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Couplets on the night bus

When her friends started getting into the habit of splitting taxis to get home, for the first time she thought that she’d have to give up the night bus.

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureThinking the cities of tomorrow

Times of crisis are also times of danger for democracy. Fear of the future can fuel the temptation to embrace an authoritarian response. What do we need to do to make democracy come out...

Retrat de Laura Huerga al seu despatx. © Clara Soler Chopo
“Us independent publishers bring diversity”

Laura Huerga

The publisher Laura Huerga (Barcelona, 1978) is an unusual case on the Catalan literary scene. With professional beginnings far removed from the cultural world, it was her reading habits...

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