Visit to the Ethnological Museum's reserves during the spring of 2023 with artist Agnes Essonti to choose the objects she would use. © Rosa Lleó
Incantations against the whiteness of the cube

Picture yourself stepping into an exhibition that, rather than drawing from the conventional history of its discipline, draws upon all those subversive narratives historically...

© Eugènia Güell
“A museum should have the capacity to stimulate political and social discourse through its content”

Imma Prieto

Imma Prieto (Vilafranca del Penedès, 1975) has embarked on her role as head of the Fundació Tàpies much like when she was appointed director of Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i...

Chef Jordi Vilà accompanied by the head chefs of Alkimia, Cristina Beired and Marcos Valyi. © Joan Pujol Creus for the Alkimia restaurant
The legacy of Ferran Adrià. Is Barcelona a culinary capital?

On 28 November, at a gala hosted in Barcelona, the restaurant Disfrutar, established by Eduard Xatruch, Oriol Castro and Mateu Casañas, achieved the prestigious three Michelin...

© Albert Armengol
“The left has many believers, but few practitioners”

Francesc Escribano

Francesc Escribano is a journalist with the soul of an anthropologist. In his youth, he grappled with choosing between these two professions, and over time, he has merged the...

Two visitors observing Roman remains while listening to the audio guide at the Barcelona History Museum. © Imatges Barcelona / Paola de Grenet
The MUHBA undergoes expansion, beckoning reflection on the city’s history

The Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA) commemorates 80 years of igniting a fascination for contemporary Barcelona, expanding its reach to various locations within the municipal...

Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
The void in Barcelona

Barely a year had passed since the Olympic Games and finding a job was already tough. I was discussing the matter with the girl behind me in the queue at the depressing...

Image of a composer robot generated through the Midjourney AI system.
Disruptive technologies, intellectual property and image rights

Disruptive technologies are a driver of change and progress in today’s society, but they also pose significant legal challenges in the realm of intellectual property, image...

Roses de Foc de Barcelona
Barcelona, a rebellious and insubordinate city

In recent years, the notion has increasingly taken hold that the repeated and violent explosion of social conflict in 19th- and early 20th-century Barcelona had made the city...

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