Inauguració de l'espai familiar 'De 0 a 3 anys' a Vil·la Urània, un equipament municipal del districte de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi. © Goroka.
Enrolment of children under three

In Barcelona, only four out of 10 children between infancy and the age of two are enrolled in school. Education at this stage is a mechanism for equalising opportunities that especially...

Llibres: Educar, per a què?, Joan Buades - Devaluación continua, Andreu Navarra
Navarra and Buades: two vital voices in today’s education sector

We sometimes get the impression that in many ways, teaching is not evolving but is adrift, and that we are still far behind. These two books speak with knowledge, with realism and from...

Un nen gatejant pel terra a l'escola bressol Aurora, al districte de Ciutat Vella. © Clara Soler.
No small child without a quality educational environment

Schooling in the first few years of life has significant benefits for children, caretakers and society. In Barcelona, children under three who need it most, those belonging to vulnerable...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesWhen origin identifies you

Place of birth and social origin are the two variables that most determine the opportunities for young people in Catalonia. Today, Catalan society is a multicultural community with many...

Retrat de José Miguel Vizcaya, Chiqui de la Línea © Albert Armengol
Chiqui de la Línea: maestro de ‘cantaores’

Rosalía followed the trail of the teacher and cantaor [flamenco singer] Chiqui de la Línea to the Catalonia School of Music (ESMUC), where El mal querer, her graduate...

Fundació Vila Casas
The street kid who became an artist

Lita Cabellut

Anyone who is close to her will tell you that watching her create is a work of art in itself. Her studio is the scene of thousands of creative battles, where paint flows like water and...

Il·lustració © Mireia Zantop
Barcelona Lolita Casa

The clinic where I was born was turned into an old people’s home, then it became an empty space and finally it was squatted in and then cleared. But it hasn’t been knocked down.

Llibre: Els Barcelonins, Adrià Pujol Cruells
All-year-round Carnival

The book by Pujol Cruells is neither pleasing nor insulting. By means of the passing of the year, he draws an image of the people of Barcelona based on a meticulous observation of their...

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