contents 125

DossierA new energy model for the city

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityMoving forward in the energy transition

There is less of a window of opportunity for action than previously thought. In fact, time is running out. This winter has combined all the makings of a perfect storm: accelerating...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityEnergy crisis and vulnerability

Low-income households are those most affected by the rising prices of basic utilities and are also those with the fewest tools to help them cope with the situation. The measures that...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityEnergy, the agent of change for cities in the 21st century

The city, as a great guzzler of energy produced outside its borders, is committed to an energy transition that will allow for its decarbonisation. The first pillar is to move the...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityPerceptions and conflicts surrounding energy use

Besides energy prices, one of the main public concerns, there is another unresolved issue: the opposition generated by the location of energy infrastructures, particularly renewable...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityAccelerate the transition to a new energy model

We are beginning to see results after 30 years of policies to reduce emissions. Fossil fuel disinvestment is a reality, although...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityThe city and the challenge of a just transition

Energy is a right. Although local government does not have powers in the major domains of energy regulation, it can...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityPublic electricity suppliers, a new tool for energy change

Faced with the current situation of soaring energy prices, cooperative and public electricity suppliers can contribute enormously to the energy transition to bring about a sustainable,...

Illustration. ©David Sierra
A new energy model for the cityThe end of the era of abundance

The economic, social and political model developed over the last 150 years simply cannot be sustained for physical, geological and...

Other contents

“Sometimes I think the best work is handwritten”

Enric Casasses

Poetry permeates Enric Casasses’ entire oeuvre. Having passed the age of seventy and with a succession of books and prizes, the poet talks about his published work and the work that has...

The struggle surrounding street and square names in democratic Barcelona

The changes made to the names of the city’s streets and squares are a reflection of each municipal mandate. By action or omission, the names of streets and squares speaks volumes about...

Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook. City diplomacy in times of conflict

Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook’s academic and professional career is in the purest Atlanticist tradition. Specialising in the interface between foreign policy and cities, she is an...

Vista aèria de Barcelona de nit
A day in the life of Barcelona

In the course of a day, 1,660,314 people constantly breathing and on the move generate a great number of movements, interactions, needs, aspirations… In a year, 11,510 new lives are born...

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra

Gosh, walking all the way up is tiring, isn’t it?

I can picture you coming here, to Montjuïc, to Miró’s mountain and the Font del Gat fountain and cruising, in broad daylight....

Barcelona, city of crime. Why are we so fascinated by true crime?

True crime fever has caught on in Catalonia in recent years through such unorthodox products as Carles Porta’s Crims programme, Clàudia Pujol’s books and the Psycholand...

“My generation broke with tradition so that dance would cease to be so elitist”

Àngels Margarit

Àngels Margarit (Terrassa, 1960) is an internationally renowned dancer, choreographer and instructor who has lent her artistic experience to the direction of the Tensdansa festival in...

Noia llegint a Wattpad
Wattpad: Another way to read

The Wattpad phenomenon has revolutionised the publishing world. Young women writers are making it big on this platform, first online and then in bookshops. Their books, covering a...

​L’Edifici Atalaya, la Casa de la Meridiana d’Oriol Bohigas i l’Illa Escorial, a Barcelona; i el Walden 7 de Ricard Bofill a Sant Just Desvern
A much-needed refocusing

It often seems that Barcelona’s urban landscape is the product of the plan developed for the 1992 Olympic Games. Although this is somewhat true, the reality is that the city’s...

Jordi Sabater Pi al llindar de la selva guineana
Drawing paradise

Every day, Dr. Jordi Sabater Pi (1922-2009) remembered the rainforest in Equatorial Guinea, ever since he had to leave the country, forced by circumstances and accompanied by his family...

Picasso, Miró and attracting foreign visitors

The year 2023 is dedicated to Picasso-Miró, since it shall mark the 50th and 40th anniversaries of their deaths, respectively. Among other initiatives, the Fundació...

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