Writer and journalist

Born in Ses Salines in 1992, he writes from – and about – textual and experiential frontiers. 

He is the author of the novels Les altures [The Heights] (2022), Ariel i els cossos [Ariel and the Bodies] (2019) and El dia que va morir David Bowie [The Day David Bowie Died] (2016, Time Out Barcelona Creator of the Year Award), the short stories Maracaibo (2014), the non-fiction book Les nenes que llegien al lavabo [The Girls Who Read in the Bathroom] (2021) and several plays, including Transbord [Transfer] (2018). He is also the author of the biographical volume Antònia Vicens. Massa deutes amb les flors [Antònia Vicens. Too Much Debt With Flowers] (2016) and Amors sense casa [Homeless Loves] (2018), the first anthology of Catalan LGBTQ poetry.

Last Update: January, 2023

Articles by Sebastià Portell

Il·lustració. ©David Sierra

Gosh, walking all the way up is tiring, isn’t it?

I can picture you coming here, to Montjuïc, to Miró’s mountain and the Font del Gat fountain and cruising, in broad daylight....

Portrait of Eva Baltasar
“The success of Permagel was like another flash flood that washed over me”

Eva Baltasar

She was unjustly obscure until only very recently and that may have been largely due to poetry.

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