contents 118

DossierThe futures of work

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workA new social contract

The digital revolution, robotics and artificial intelligence are changing the way we work. The crisis facing the world of work is just the prelude to the major changes that are yet to...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workRedefining work, the workforce and the workplace

“The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.” These are the words of the philosopher Antonio Gramsci referring to moments of...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe Seven Trends That Will Make the Future of Work

The pandemic has revealed and accelerated a lot of changes in the way we live and work. It’s become clear that the home is a place of production, that more and more workers can work...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe insides of the digital economy: between new Taylorism and social discipline

Digital Taylorism changes the production processes (with data as raw material) and the forms of labour exploitation driven by digital capitalism. But we must break with the...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workWhen robots didn’t take our jobs

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated automation and digitalisation. How does that affect workers, what new roles and demands does it bring forth, and what is the balance between job...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workWorking in the post-COVID metropolis

The pandemic has hastened the uptake of remote work and reflections have burgeoned on the changes it is bringing and how it is transforming the city. Many people will no longer...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workThe ecology of work: a new labour paradigm

Labour law should pave the way for work to be directed towards the production of wealth that supports human needs and desires. And in this search for meaning, which endeavours to...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workEffects of the transformation of work

At a time of shortage of work, an individualistic approach that focuses the management of what is public on private interests leads us to compete for existing jobs and to blame...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The futures of workHybrid, flexible and spread out: the space of the future

Workspaces are rapidly changing on account of the pandemic. There is no doubt that coronavirus has been an agent of change that has generated a new social and economic paradigm. However...

Other contents

Retrat de Sílvia Pérez Cruz © Alex Rademakers
“It’s nice to love the music you are at every stage of your life”

Sílvia Pérez Cruz

Despite the overall uncertainty in the world of culture and the constant changes in her concert schedule, Sílvia Pérez Cruz started the year 2021 on a strong footing...

Plaques solars als terrats de Barcelona © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Equip d’audiovisuals
A first step towards energy sovereignty

The public company Barcelona Energia is gaining momentum in the new map of alternative operators with support, competitive rates and energy awareness, although it is still far from...

La Rambla. Mosaic de Joan Miró al pla de l’Os © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Vicente Zambrano
Evolving demographics

Albert Martin Design (Storydata)

In 2020, Barcelona broke the all-time record for...

Una família amb l’àvia, un adult i un nen passegen pel mig del passeig de Sant Joan, que forma part de la xarxa d’itineraris segurs © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Goroka
Barcelona, a mirror of our time

The city is the story of the people who have inhabited it and inhabit it, of their work, of their aspirations. People are born and die, and while they live they shape the surroundings...

Il·lustració © Maria Corte
The Street of Oblivion, Unnumbered

The alley bears no name and no one knows exactly where it is. Some place it in the vicinity of the market square, but Abraham claims it must have been one of the first streets in Sant...

Park Güell. Entrada © Ajuntament de Barcelona / AL PHT Air Picture TAVISA
Turisme i cultura després de la pandèmia

The debate forum “City, tourism and culture: a joint opportunity” – organised by the Department of Tourism and Creative Industries in conjunction with the Sixth Deputy Mayor’s Office for...

Retrat de Julio Manrique. © Clara Soler Chopo
“If you are original, all the better. But, above all, you need to be personal”

Julio Manrique

He is the most decorated theatre director in Catalonia today and the one capable of bringing together the most people in a room. The secret to his appeal lies in his enthusiastic,...

Obra de Vicenç Vilaplana de la sèrie Sota el Sui.
Painting at the edge of a precipice

The Vila Casas Foundation brings together the entire oeuvre of Vicenç Viaplana for the first time in the exhibition Vicenç Viaplana. The Places of Painting. This retrospective...

Dilluns ens estimaran, Najat El Hachmi
The black hole of men’s domination of women

Najat El Hachmi, who went down in history for winning the Ramon Llull Prize with El patriarca [The Patriarch] in 2008. It was the first time that a Moroccan writer had received...

Barcelona: Tired History

Simón is a realistic novel about Barcelona, with an adventure novel component and elements of moderate criticism. Simón begins like Pimpinela Escarlata (...

© Maria Rubert de Ventós
Urban planning and the future of Barcelona

In times of pandemic, you miss going for strolls, and the book Barcelona sense GPS [Barcelona without GPS], by Maria Rubert de Ventós, is a perfect antidote to get lost in the...

Llibre. Per una educació en llibertat
Education as a tool for transformation

Per una educació en llibertat. Barcelona i l’escola. 1908-1979 [For an Education in Freedom. Barcelona and School. 1908-1979] is a collective work that brings together a legacy...

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