Festivals and traditions by district


Barcelona Carnival

Carnival depends on the lunar calendar and also has to fit into a whole cycle with its own significance, the cycle that precedes Lent.

Festa major de Torre Baró

Between the last days of June and the first days of July, the Associació de Veïns de Torre Baró put on a big festival with activities for all ages and tastes.
festa major

Festa major d’Horta

The rich and varied popular culture of the neighbourhood also plays a very important role in the festival. All the local groups join together for the cercavila d'inauguració, the opening procession.
Sant Medir a Gràcia

Sant Medir

Sant Medir is one of the most deeply-rooted festivals in the old town of Gràcia. It is best known for the tonnes of sweets and toffees thrown to the public from the horses, floats and lorries in the procession.
festa major

Festa major de Vallbona

The neighbourhood holds a three-day festa major on the second weekend in July. All kinds of activities are organised for all ages and tastes.
Festa major de Montbau

Festa major de Montbau

The festa major, the main festival, which is held over two weekends, is a good example of the strong associations and organisations that are deeply involved in arranging all kinds of events.

Festa major de Verdum

The Associació de Veïns i Veïnes de Verdun is in charge of organising the festa major and livening up the neighbourhood in the third week of September with activities for everyone.

Festa major de Canyelles

The neighbourhood has a good network of associations that work in a number of areas throughout the year and come together to organise the festa major in the first week of October.