Festa major de Verdum

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Third week in September


The Verdun neighbourhood lies between La Guineueta, La Prosperitat and Les Roquetes. It was built during the 1950s, to meet the demand for housing caused by the wave of immigration Barcelona experienced. As lots of flats were small and of poor quality, Barcelona City Council has carried out a lot of renovation work over the years and provided the neighbourhood with the necessary urban services and facilities.

The Associació de Veïns i Veïnes de Verdun is in charge of organising the festa major and livening up the neighbourhood in the third week of September with activities for everyone. It offers a very varied programme, with sports tournaments, concerts, dances, communal meals, games and workshops for the kids, a havanera concert and a big correfoc.

About festivities


Cantada d’havaneres. Every year the Verdun festival has a slot for the traditional havaneres and tavern songs. This is a fun event that combines music with a drop of the typical drink for these occasions: rom cremat (burnt rum).

Correfoc. The Grup de Foc de Nou Barris is in charge of the correfoc fire run on the last day of the festival. It starts off with a tabalada of drums and then the diables (devils) light up the main streets and squares of the neighbourhood. When they reach Plaça de Francesc Layret, a big traca (string) of exploding fireworks marks the end of the festival until the following year.

Supplementary information