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What ever happened to the Sant Pere revetlla?

While the festival is still very much alive in other Catalan towns and cities, it has lost popularity in Barcelona. Nowadays, there is only two places that holds a Sant Pere revetlla: the Farinera del Clot Cultural Centre.

Twenty things you didn’t know about Sant Joan flat cake

Cocas made with fruit and pine nuts, accompanied by a good cava or muscatel wine, are an essential part of the eve of Sant Joan. And, as with any traditional food, “coca” has a long history behind it, packed with stories and variations well worth...

The 'Nit de Sant Joan', a festival unchanged in over 500 years

When we say the 'Nit de Sant Joan' is one of the city's oldest festivals, we're not saying it just for the sake of it: the basic elements – lighting bonfires, throwing firecrackers and filling the public space – have remained unchanged since the...

22 things you didn’t know about the Sant Ponç Fair

It's quite strange that a dynamic and modern city such as Barcelona should maintain an ancestral tradition like the Sant Ponç Fair, which is being held on 10 May in Carrer de l’Hospital.

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Main events and activities in the city

tres reis

Three Kings Parade

On the evening of 5 January, Barcelona organises a big welcome for the Kings of the Orient, who set off on a big parade.
Sant Antoni

Tres Tombs de Barcelona

The main event of the Festa dels Tres Tombs is a parade of animals in a cavalcade and pulling coaches around the city centre.

Tres Tombs Infernals

The Tres Tombs Infernals is a celebration held in Sant Andreu de Palomar that combines street theatre and a firework display with a correfoc.

Did you know...

It is said that the correfoc developed spontaneously in Barcelona during the La Mercè festival in 1978. That was a time when traditional and popular culture was being revived and a group of cultural activists wanted to organise a fire show. The initial idea was to organise a classic ball de diables but, to their surprise, the watching public joined in the performance and gave it movement.

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