Cultura Popular | Ajuntament de Barcelona |

Popular Culture News

Sant Josep Oriol, the Barcelona saint who turned a radish into coins

Sant Josep Oriol is a Barcelona saint who led a life of vicissitudes, austerity and complete devotion to looking after others. As a good saint, miracles are also attributed to him, the most famous being when he turned a radish into coins. Want to get...

Vella Quaresma

Who is the Vella Quaresma?

The “Vella Quaresma” (Old Mother Lent) is a seven-legged woman with a cod and a basket who represents the period running up to Holy Week.

Fourth edition of Cod Route

Cod, the star of Lent cooking

Traditionally Lent has been represented as an old woman with seven legs, brandishing a salted cod in one hand and carrying a basket full of vegetables in the other. The produce she has in her hands give us lots of clues about what people eat around...

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Main events and activities in the city


    Bunyols de Quaresma

    Bunyols de Quaresma - Lent bunyols- are doughnuts made from a flour base, fried in oil and then coated with sugar.
    Sant Medir a Gràcia

    Sant Medir

    Sant Medir is best known for the tonnes of sweets and toffees thrown to the public from the horses, floats and lorries in the procession.

    Did you know...

    The Seguici Popular de Barcelona is the embodiment of a research project on Barcelona's unusual, historic and unique references which have a symbolic function within the festival. It was set up in 1993 and contains the city's festival imagery, historical figures like the Gegants del Pi and others recreated from historical documents.

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