Festa major de Torre Baró

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Between the end of June and the beginning of July


The Torre Baró neighbourhood lies where there used to be two towers (torres) built by the Pinós family in the 16th and 18th centuries and the area was unpopulated until the 1950s and 60s, when a wave of immigration brought workers from elsewhere to the city. In fact, these new arrivals built their own houses. So, for many years, the neighbourhood lacked communication networks and urban services in general but, in recent decades, the authorities have included these in their redevelopment plans, resulting in a substantial improvement.

Today, aside from having these necessary services, it has a network of associations that give a boost to communal life with all kinds of activities. That can be clearly seen in the festa major.

Between the last days of June and the first days of July, the Associació de Veïns de Torre Baró put on a big festival with activities for all ages and tastes. In collaboration with local traders and associations, they draw up a very diverse programme including sports tournaments, communal meals, displays of dancing from around the world, hikes, workshops and festival dances.

About festivities

Interesting features

Interesting features

The Nou Barris' district giant represents a historical figure, Baron Pinós. He owned a property known popularly as the torre del baró (baron's tower), which ended up becoming the name of the neighbourhood.

Supplementary information