Festa major de Vallbona

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Second week in July, in the Nou Barris' neighbourhood of Vallbona

Vallbona is in a hilly area, on the municipal boundary separating Barcelona from Montcada i Reixac. Unfortunately this is an area that has been deprived of services and infrastructures and, at the start of the 1960s, it was cut off from the rest of the city by the motorway. In the last thirty years, though, a series of measures have been adopted to improve the quality of life there, mainly involving the construction of new houses and facilities.

The neighbourhood holds a three-day festa major on the second weekend in July. All kinds of activities are organised for all ages and tastes, including sports competitions, activities for children and senior citizens, communal meals and festival dances with a band.

About festivities


Cercavila. Vallbona's festa major kicks off with a musical cercavila to invite all the locals to join in the celebrations.

Elecció de l'hereu i la pubilla. On Friday evening the names of the neighbourhood' heir and heiress are announced during a break in the dancing.

Supplementary information