Festivals and traditions by district

Festa major de la Vall d’Hebron

The festa major, the main festival, lasts three or four days around the 24th June, the feast day of Sant Joan, including the revetlla on the 23rd, Saint John's Eve.

Sant Antoni Bonfires, from sa Pobla to Gràcia

The Sant Antoni bonfire festival held in Gràcia is actually a Majorcan tradition that has been brought to this Barcelona neighbourhood. It consists of exhibitions of popular culture from the Principality and Mallorca.

Els Indians’ Festa Major

The Antic Barri dels Indians festival association is in charge of organising the annual festa major, which is held during the week of the La Mercè festival.

Festa major de les Roquetes

In the third week of June the Comissió de Festa Major de les Roquetes puts on a big programme of activities, in collaboration with other organisations, neighbourhood residents and local traders.
festa major

Festa major del Carmel

There are many activities in the festa major, the main festival, aimed at all ages and for different tastes. There are sporting activities, concerts, dances, and community meals.
Festes de Santa Eulàlia

Festes de Santa Eulàlia

The Santa Eulàlia festivities, also known as La Laia or as Barcelona's winter festival, is held around the 12th February each year in squares and streets all across the city.

Festa major de Can Peguera

Can Peguera, which is very close to the Horta district, starts its festival around 15 June and it runs to the Sant Joan midsummer celebrations on 23 June.
festa major

Festa major de la Clota

La Clota's three-day-long festa major, the main festival, is bursting with all kinds of activities. The events, aimed a wide range of the public, are centred around Avinguda del Marquès de Castellbell.