Festa major de Can Peguera

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Second fortnight in June


Can Peguera is in the Nou Barris district at the northernmost point of Barcelona, between Collserola and Sant Andreu. This is a district that received large numbers of immigrants workers from the south of Spain in the 1950s and 60s. So even today you can find sevillanas and other dances from outside Catalonia at the local festes majors.

Can Peguera, which is very close to the Horta district, starts its festival around 15 June and it runs to the Sant Joan midsummer celebrations on 23 June. It is organised by local people and the neighbourhood centre, La Cosa Nostra, and includes a variety of activities designed to appeal to all ages. These range from talks, communal meals, dances and sports competitions to children's workshops and entertainment.


Can Peguera started to hold its annual festival in 1972.

About festivities


Cantada d’havaneres. Every year Plaça del doctor Jaén holds one of the most keenly awaited festival events, a havanera concert with rom cremat (burnt rum) for all those attending. The guest group offers the audience a selection of the most popular of these Cuban songs and tavern songs.

Supplementary information