The impacts of artificial intelligenceThe ignorance of algorithms and new synthetic realities

Artificial intelligence technologies are an expression of who we are. When everything is possible, what do we decide to do? This is a perfect technology for both creation and...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceMyths and realities of artificial intelligence

The artificial intelligences developed to date are specific to very concrete tasks. However, they do not have...

Illustration © Romualdo Faura
The impacts of artificial intelligenceFour pathways to an AI culture

Creative skills can currently be reproduced using deep learning and neural networks, but their true potential...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceTechnology and humanities: A necessary dialogue

The impact of artificial intelligence is coupled with a growing concern over the ethical, social and...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceControlling artificial intelligence

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) raise both expectations and misgivings. The advent of ChatGPT shows that this technology is developing faster than society’s capacity to...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceRobots and intelligent systems are revolutionising medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising medicine and healthcare. There are already developments that...

Portrait of Maruja Torres. ​© Javier Barbancho
“People who are confident make me wary of them”

Maruja Torres

Maruja Torres arrives at our interview on foot with the aid (more mental than physical) of a wooden walking stick. She says that walking is good for her, and she counts her steps...

Visitants del Museu Blau mirant un globus terraqüi.
The future of museums. In pursuit of (new) audiences?

Are museums in crisis? Depending on where we stand. Like the society they mirror, these marvellous artefacts of knowledge and enjoyment are constantly evolving. And while a...

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