Building city and citizenship

Barcelona Metròpolis takes on a new era with a new format, a new design and a new digital space. The new Barcelona Metròpolis wants to be a tool for promoting and...

Llibre: Periodisme malgrat tot, Jaume Fabre
Grey journalism

Fabre is one the journalists who best knows his city. He wrote a splendid doctoral thesis on 1939 Barcelona and played a decisive role in safeguarding the memory of his guild. His new...

Retrat d'Itziar González © Pere Virgili
‘Rescuing the Rambla is a must’

Itziar González

The city seemed to have lost its most genuine promenade for ever, or at least that’s what a lot of people thought. The Km_Zero team won the ideas competition to improve the Rambla with a...


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