Open cityThe (global) city’s not for me
The large global metropolis embodies the spirit of our era, while small and medium-sized deindustrialized cities are sceptical about the future, with nostalgia for a past they identify...
Sociologist, political scientist and philosopher
Sociologist, political scientist and philosopher Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca is a professor of Political Science at Carlos III University in Madrid.
He is the author of books like Más democracia y menos liberalismo (2010), La desfachatez intelectual (2016), La confusión nacional. La democracia española ante la crisis catalana (2018) and La superioridad moral de la izquierda (2018).
The large global metropolis embodies the spirit of our era, while small and medium-sized deindustrialized cities are sceptical about the future, with nostalgia for a past they identify...
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