Three decades of neoliberal deregulation from the wild side of the market have impeded and disfigured opportunities for urban democracy and have seized the city from its people. In spite...
David Fernàndez
Journalist and social activist
David Fernàndez is a journalist and social activist. He was a member of the Parliament of Catalonia for the Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) and was president-spokesperson for the Mixed Group (2012-2015).
He is a writer and editor for weekly newspaper La Directa, and the author of works like Cròniques del 6 i altres retalls de la claveguera policial (Editorial Virus, 2006), Cop de CUP (together with Julià de Jodar, Editorial Labutxaca, 2012), or the collection of articles Foc a la barraca (Lo Diable Gros, 2013).
Last Update: October, 2018
Articles by David Fernàndez
Open cityHow much urban democracy can global capitalism stand?
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