Shooting of the film Solo química [Just a Little Chemistry]. © Rodar y Rodar.
The Catalan audiovisual market

Does it make sense to speak of a Catalan audiovisual market today? Catalonia’s audiovisual ecosystem is undergoing a serious crisis. We have talked with professionals in the sector,...

El visor d'una càmera de fotografia digital.  © Goroka. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Stories and cities

Major cities are always accompanied by a story that promotes them in the world. In the culture corner debate we analyse why the crisis endured by the audiovisual sector does not...

Virtual image of the Hermitage Barcelona Museum design.© Hermitage Barcelona Museum.
A Hermitage Museum in Barcelona?

In recent years, the possibility of a Hermitage Museum franchise has been considered in a location in the Port of Barcelona, to permanently install part of the Russian collection in our...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesBetween political exclusion and populist mobilisation

In the post-crisis years, the obscene concentration of wealth has given rise to increasingly serious cases of exclusion and social vulnerability. This situation largely affects political...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesThe precariousness of the privileged

They are privileged, but they live in precarious circumstances. They are those who do not have job security or economic stability, and rely on their vocation when accepting underpaid...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesNew vulnerabilities

We come from a time when we plausibly thought that, with preparation and effort, we could aspire to welfare without any upheaval. The 2008 crisis showed us that everything is much more...

Older women singing while performing a choreography with their hands. © Laura Guerrero
Cultural Democracy

If culture is to help us to create a community, the consumer of art must also be a participant and not a mere spectator. Participation enables us to broaden our point of view and...

© Laura Guerrero. Views of Barcelona from the sea to the mountains from Barcelona City Council's Novíssim building.
Culture, a tool for reconciling antagonism

Against the strength of the market, which spins people outside the city, culture can be a tool that helps them to overcome marginalities and puts them on equal footing without making...

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