Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityRecognising and integrating family diversity

So-called “new families” are not truly new; they have always existed. Flexible family arrangements and...

Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityParenting communities: a growing alternative

The vanishing extended family, the complexities of parenting, and the rise of new educational codes are...

© Byung-Chul Han
The political contradictions of contemplative life

All the books by the philosopher Byung-Chul Han call for a return of negativity: instead of excessive transparency, secrecy; instead of an aesthetic of smoothness, roughness;...

Cancel culture: A threat to freedom of expression?

Spurred on by social media, cancel culture is gaining ground. In its name, works, opinions and even people are cancelled. Its advocates contend that it is a way of giving a voice...

© Marc Javierre
Tim Jackson. Living better with less

There is life after capitalism. This is the view of economist and ecologist Tim Jackson, who asks: “Why aren’t rich countries always happier than poor countries?” He argues that...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisGuaranteeing housing: a metropolitan challenge

Barcelona has always been a welcoming and appealing city. It is no wonder that its residents state, in poll after poll, that they would like to continue to do so. And their...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisHouse is a house is a house is a house is a house

The design of a substantial amount of housing is based on an obsolete concept that organises space according...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisThe Barcelona model in the European context

Cities are emerging as key players in the European challenge of building a human-focussed model for housing....

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