Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionEurope’s city system

In Europe, where approximately 80% of the population resides in urban areas, a network of polycentric and...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionThe future will be suburban

La suburbanització dels Estats Units, que ha estat continuada des de la fi de la Segona Guerra Mundial, s’ha...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionThe taken city

Urban spaces have evolved from being hubs for living, socialising and hosting activities to becoming...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionBlurscape. The push and pull of sprawl

Despite its history of compact cities, Europe has evolved into a continent of sprawling urban landscapes,...

The city of five millionDispersed urbanisation: An overlooked challenge

The Barcelona of five million encompasses not only the territory of dense and compact cities but also a...

Humana second-hand clothing store. © Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo
The challenge of reducing textile waste and reusing clothes in Barcelona

One of the main concerns of our textile sector today, led by fast fashion, is the amount of waste it produces. Overproduction and overconsumption of garments, which are worn six...

Roses de Foc de Barcelona
Barcelona, a rebellious and insubordinate city

In recent years, the notion has increasingly taken hold that the repeated and violent explosion of social conflict in 19th- and early 20th-century Barcelona had made the city...

Construction workers’ demonstration descending Carrer de Ferran in 1976. © Pilar Aymerich
When time makes its presence felt

Can a memoir be written in pictures? On flicking though and reading La Barcelona de Pilar Aymerich [Pilar Aymerich’s Barcelona], the answer is a categorical yes. The...

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