Parc de la Trinitat

Pg Santa Coloma, 60
Parc de la Trinitat

The park, which is full of seriously interesting sculptures and nooks and crannies, is in the middle of the Nus de la Trinitat junction, where the Ronda de Dalt and the Ronda del Litoral ringroads meet. In spite of this, it is a quiet place full of greenery that has since 2016 become one of the busiest and most visited venues of the Mercè Arts de Carrer festival, helping decentralise Barcelona’s Festa Major.

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    • Pg Santa Coloma, 60
    • Sant Andreu
    • Sant Andreu
    • 08030 Barcelona

    Schedule by range in this space

    September 21st morning

    Participatory installation

    “Andròmina” installation

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 2.30 pm

    “Cubic landscapes” mural

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 10.30 pm

    “Le Manège de Contrevent” installation

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 1.30 pm

    “La Banda” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 12.15 pm
    Photography/performance/participatory installation

    Installation "Iglú"

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 8.30 pm


    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 12.30 pm

    “La Caixeta” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 2.30 pm

    “Croûte” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 12.35 pm to 1.15 pm
    Participatory installation

    “Morphosis” installation

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 2.00 pm to 8.00 pm

    September 21st evening


    “Cubic landscapes” mural

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 10.30 pm
    Photography/performance/participatory installation

    Installation "Iglú"

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 8.30 pm
    Participatory installation

    “Morphosis” installation

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 2.00 pm to 8.00 pm
    Participatory installation

    “Andròmina” installation

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

    “La Caixeta” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

    “Le Manège de Contrevent” installation

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm

    “Croûte” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 5.15 pm to 5.55 pm
    Theatre / Dance

    “Rhinos” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 5.15 pm to 5.45 pm

    Show "Las Muchísimas"

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 6.00 pm to 6.20 pm

    Show "Verbena"

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 6.45 pm to 7.30 pm
    Contemporary dance

    “TEMPO” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm

    September 21st night


    “Cubic landscapes” mural

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 11.30 am to 10.30 pm

    “Street Concept vol.10” show

    Parc de la Trinitat
    SAT 21 · 9.15 pm to 10.30 pm