‘Literature & Dance’ workshop
Ràdio Associa't with Ràdio Hostafrancs
‘Invisible borders’, ‘Head to the street’ activity
Magic and illusion
Games: “Let’s play Scrabble in Catalan”
'Escacs per a tothom’ [Chess for everyone]
Festa Major de Santa Cruz
Ageless cycling
'Ajuda’ns a trobar uns Aliens!’ [Help us to find Aliens!] game
Ràdio Associa't with Boca Ràdio
'Fes-te Visible’ [Make yourself Visible] workshop
Workshop: “Watch Me Paint!”
A story in sign language
Opening of the play ‘Un tema de gènere, vol. 3’ [A Matter of Gender, vol. 3]
Refugees Welcome Quiz Challenge
Ràdio Associa't with the Confederació Catalana de Persones amb Discapacitat Física i Orgànica
'El "Ritmobingo" d'Avismón’ [Avismón’s ‘Rhythmbingo’] games
‘Learn how to dance sardanes’ workshop
‘Towards a more conscious diet’ workshop
Ràdio Associa't with the Federació d'entitats de Calàbria 66 (RC66)
‘L’art a la pell: coneixem diversitats’ [Art on the skin: Let’s learn about diversity] workshop
'Creative textile repair’ workshop
‘The magical power of generosity’ storytelling
'Hine Moana and Hine Henua’ dance workshop
Ràdio Associa't with Ona de Sants-Montjuïc
Escape room: ‘The Labyrinth of Exile’
'El Negre de la Riba’ musical theatre
‘Cimarrón Dansa en llibertat’ [Cimarrón Dance in freedom] workshop
Ràdio Associa't with 7deRàdio Barcelona
‘Bowling for rights!’ game
‘Cultures living together better’ game
Monologues in the Square. A street show aimed at reflecting on gender violence.
Ràdio Associa't with the Nou Barris Viver Cooperative
‘Universal fun and diverse games’ games
Ràdio Associa't with Casal Lambda
Improv show on food waste
Musical passacaglia
‘The keys to renting’ gathering