Accessibility at La Mercè 2024

Via the phone number 933 161 000 and the email address we will provide you with information and advice on accessibility at different venues and accessibility measures at shows

Check the accessibility of all venues and shows using the filter “Accessibility” in the menu “Programme” on the Mercè website.

All the spaces being used for the city festival are accessible. Even so, the physical accessibility of some routes is conditioned by the characteristics of parks and public spaces, where you will find some entrances unsuitable owing to lawns or other elements.  Please note that large crowds at some events may affect the physical accessibility of these areas.

Several stages have reserved seats for people with disabilities and an accompanying person. It is advisable to arrive 30 minutes in advance. Remember to bring your disability certificate.

The artistic programme for La Mercè includes groups and companies of artists with disabilities. Some sessions include accessibility measures such as interpretation in sign language, Braille or relaxed sessions.

The following icons indicate the accessibility measures associated with the activities and shows at La Mercè:

Icona Accessible per a persones amb discapacitat auditivaAccessible for hard-of-hearing people: Activity or show includes interpretation services, hearing loops, FM system and/or subtitling.
Icona llengua de signesSign language: Sign language interpretation service during the show for hard-of-hearing individuals who are signers.
Icona braileBraille: Products available in Braille for visually impaired individuals.
Icona suports tàctilsTactile support: Tactile materials provided for people with low vision, visual impairments, Alzheimer’s disease, etc., to help them understand the activity or show.
Icona artistes amb discapacitatArtists with disabilities: activity or show involving artists with disabilities.
Icona espai accessible per a persones amb mobilitat reduïdaAccessible for people with reduced mobility 
Icona sessió relaxadaRelaxed session: activities or shows with reduced noise, movement and light.