Festivals and traditions by district

Santa Madrona

Aplec de Santa Madrona

Santa Madrona is a parish church in Poble-sec, on Carrer de les Tapioles, which organises the traditional gathering in honour of the saint on the fourth Sunday after Easter.
Sant Antoni

Tres Tombs de Barcelona

The main event of the Festa dels Tres Tombs de Barcelona is a musical parade of animals – horses, donkeys and mules – in a cavalcade and pulling coaches around the city centre.
Festa major de la Bordeta

Festa major de la Bordeta

Bordeta's festa major, its main festival, is, in fact, the party of one street and two squares. These three centres each organise their own events, and on the last day of the festival they hold a joint event.
festa major

Festa major de la Verneda i Sant Martí

The coordinator of Entitats Vern is responsible for organising the festival, which is celebrated in honour of Sant Martí. Over two weekends at the beginning of November, a whole host of sporting, cultural and recreational activities take place.

Festa major del Congrés

The festa major, which takes place over the first two weekends in October, is organised by the Comissió de Festes del Congrés.

Festa major de la Trinitat Nova

The Comissió de Festes de la Trinitat Nova is the body that coordinates the neighbourhood organisations and associations that take part in this annual festival.
festa major

Festa major de Can Baró

The Can Baró festa major, the main festival, is made up of all kinds of activities which aim to bring together the community life of the neighbourhood and make it more accessible to the residents.