Festa major de la Trinitat Nova

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

First week in June


Trinitat Nova sprang up in the 1950s and 60s with the construction of social housing for the Spanish workers who arrived in the city. Interculturalism it the defining characteristic of this neighbourhood, which has also managed to maintain its Catalan cultural heritage, as reflected in its festa major.

The Comissió de Festes de la Trinitat Nova is the body that coordinates the neighbourhood organisations and associations that take part in this annual festival, putting on events as diverse as talks, concerts, dances, communal meals, children's entertainment and workshops, a cercavila gegantera and a correfoc.


It has been held since 1979.

About festivities


Cercavila de gegants. The first festival afternoon is dominated by popular festival figures: a procession of gegants, led by the neighbourhood's female giant Trini, wends its way round the main neighbourhood streets.

Cantada d’havaneres. Every year Parc de la Trinitat Nova holds a havanera concert, where these Cuban songs are accompanied by rom cremat (burnt rum) for everyone. A havanera group performs the most popular havaneres and tavern songs so the public can sing along.

Correfoc. One of the most spectacular events of the festa major takes place on the last day: a correfoc  with the Nou Barris drac and diables (dragon and devils) dancing their way round the most central streets. That is followed by a castell de focs artificials,  a firework display which marks the end of the festival until the following year.