Festivals and traditions by district

Festa major del Coll

Festa major del Coll

The neighbourhood's festa major is very closely linked to the old hermitage, which is also known as the Font-rúbia.

Festa major de la Barceloneta

The neighbourhood festival, held at the end of September in honour of Sant Miquel, has a number of features that set it apart from the rest, including its decorated streets and the cannon parade.

Cors muts

The Silent Choirs festival is a popular celebration with very strong roots in some Barcelona neighbourhoods that takes place on Whit Monday and the weekend before.

Tres Tombs de Sant Andreu de Palomar

The main event of the Tres Tombs de Sant Andreu de Palomar festival is a musical parade of animals, either being ridden or pulling carts and coaches round the neighbourhood's central streets and squares.

Festa major de Vallvidrera

The local residents' association and civic centre organise a festa major in the second week in September. The activities' programme is very varied so everyone can find something they like.
Festa major d’Hostafrancs

Festa major d’Hostafrancs

The Federació d’Associacions, Entitats i Comissions d’Hostafrancs collective organises the festa major. The federation has come up with a modern design for the festival, although it still respects tradition.
festa major

Festa major de la Sagrera

Among the most notable events are the cercavila gegantera, the procession of giants on the morning of the festa major, the dance festival organised by the Esbart l’Estel dance group, and the correfoc, the fire run, of the local devils' group, the Colla del Drac i Diables de la Sagrera.