Festivals and traditions by district

Festa major de Sants

Festa major de Sants

One of the main characteristics of the festival is that the neighbourhood's residents' associations decorate the streets and squares. But also very important is popular culture, which is present in various forms.
festa major

Festa major del Clot – Camp de l’Arpa

The festival, celebrated in honour of Sant Martí, is arranged by the collective known as the Federació d’Entitats del Clot - Camp de l’Arpa, and all of the organisations in the neighbourhood that are dedicated to popular culture play a very important part.
festa major

Festa major del Baró de Viver

The festa major, the neighbourhood's main festival, which is held in the middle of June, takes place over a weekend and is organised by the Comissió de Festes Baró de Viver.

Festa major de la Prosperitat

The neighbourhood celebrates a big festa major in the second half of May, with activities for everyone over the fortnight.

Festa major de la Font d’en Fargues

The festa major takes place mainly between the church and the Casal de la Font d’en Fargues civic centre, which is a very important sociocultural institution in the neighbourhood. As the weather in mid-June is always good, many activities are held at night and in the open air.

Festa Major de Vallcarca i els Penitents

The four-day festa major lasts a whole weekend and ends with the 11 September national day celebrations. The various activities are held in the most emblematic streets and squares of the old town centre.

Festa major del Fort Pienc

Fort Pienc's annual festival kicks off in the first fortnight in June and is concentrated in the local streets, squares and civic centres.
festa major

Festes de Sant Roc de la Plaça Nova

The origins of the Festes de Sant Roc in Plaça Nova can be traced back to 1589. According to the documents that have come down to us, that was the year when the festivities were first held.