Festivals and traditions by district

festa major

Festa major de Ciutat Meridiana

Amics de la Festa Ciutat Meridiana is a platform for bringing together associations, organisations and businesses in the neighbourhood. And it is this association that is responsible for organising the festa major, which lasts a good week.
festa major

Festa major del Baix Guinardó

The brief but intense festa major, the main festival of the neighbourhood, comprises a series of sporting, popular culture and fun activities. There are also community meals, historical itineraries, and dances in the evenings, as well as events for kids and older people.
festa major

Festa major de la Salut

The neighbourhood's festa major, held in honour of the Mare de Déu de la Salut, is a compendium of activities organised independently by various streets, associations, and municipal centres.

Festa major de la Dreta de l’Eixample

Since Modernisme is a characteristic trait of the area's architecture, the Dreta de l’Eixample wanted to make it the central feature of its festa major.
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Festes del Raval

The Raval festival is organised by the residents' association, the Associació de Veïns del Carme, with a lot of activities that are designed to appeal to all ages and tastes.
Santa Rita

Santa Rita

The Festa de Santa Rita, patron saint of impossible things and rose hawkers, is the biggest popular religious celebration in the Raval neighbourhood.
tres reis

Three Kings Parade

On the evening of 5 January, Barcelona organises a big welcome for the Kings of the Orient, who set off on a big parade through the city's streets, followed by a long procession.
festa major

Festa major de Sant Gervasi

The festa major is held around the feast day of Sant Gervasi and Sant Protasi, on 19 June. The festival committee organises all kinds of events, including communal meals, concerts and a variety of activities for children and teenagers.