Festa major de Ciutat Meridiana

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

First week of June

Ciutat Meridiana is a Barcelona neighbourhood at the foot of the Collserola hills. Like a large part of the district, it was a major reception point for Spanish immigrant workers in the middle of the last century. Traditionally it had been a neighbourhood that lacked a great deal, on the edge of the big city, but over the course of many years a big effort has been put into reviving it. Various urban facilities were established and eventually the metro arrived, among other services.

Amics de la Festa Ciutat Meridiana is a platform for bringing together associations, organisations and businesses in the neighbourhood. And it is this association that is responsible for organising the festa major, which lasts a good week, from Thursday to Sunday. The festival programme includes events and celebrations that are designed to appeal to all ages and tastes. They range from habanera singing to sevillana dancing, as well as children's activities, communal meals and concerts.

Supplementary information


Amics de la Festa Ciutat Meridiana.