Festivals and traditions by district

Sants Innocents

It has long been a tradition on 28 December, Holy Innocents' Day - Dia dels Sants Innocents- to play practical jokes 'innocentades' on family, friends and acquaintances.
Tots Sants

Tots Sants

All Saints is Autumn's most eagerly awaited festival. At this time it is the custom for people to take flowers to the cemetery, eat chestnuts, and make little marzipan cakes.
Festa de Sant Cristòfor

Festa de Sant Cristòfor

St Christopher, the patron saint of cars and protector of travellers, has been much venerated in the city. Particularly important is the celebration on Carrer de Regomir, outside the chapel of the saint.

Procesión de la Virgen del Carmen

Around July 16 sailors, fishermen and all kinds of boaters of la Barceloneta take the image of the Carme Virgin in a procession that goes across land and sea

Festa major del Putxet

A large part of the annual festival activities are held on Turó del Putxet. Over the three days of the festa major, there are fairs, children's activities, communal meals, dances and concerts.
Festa major del Poble-sec

Festa major del Poble-sec

The neighbourhood's festa major, its main festival, takes place in the second fortnight in July. The activities are divided among several emblematic spaces, including Plaça del Sortidor, Plaça de les Tres Xemeneies and the Molino theatre.
festa major

Festa major del Poblenou

When the festa major, the main festival, comes round, all of the organisations from Poblenou get actively involved in arranging the activities.

Festa major de Trinitat Vella

The week-long festa major, the main festival, is held at the beginning of June. There is a wide range of activities on offer, including many popular culture events that were boosted by the creation of the neighbourhood groups.