Festa major del Putxet

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

First fortnight in June, in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district's El Putxet neighbourhood


The neighbourhood owes its name to Turó del Putxet, the hill that forms a natural frontier between Vallcarca and Sant Gervasi. Until Barcelona's bourgeoisie discovered it in the middle of the 19th century, this was a poorly populated area. They built villas and summer houses but large-scale urban development only arrived with the blocks of flats that sprang up in the second half of the 20th century.

A large part of the annual festival activities are held on Turó del Putxet, which has been turned into a park and open to the public since 1970. Over the three days of the festa major, there are fairs, tournaments and championships for people to enjoy, as well as children's activities, communal meals, dances and concerts. As this is a very new festival, traditional culture has not established many roots.


El Putxet's festa major, an initiative of residents and friends in the Associació d’Amics i Veïns del Putxet, got off the ground in 1996. The association still runs it, with the aim of promoting and bringing together the cultural and social life of the neighbourhood.

About festivities


Havaneres. On Friday evening, the festival eve, there is a concert of Cuban havaneres  in the park.

Supplementary information