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E.g., 24-03-2025
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Capture of a scene from the play Carmina Burana, photographed by A. Bofill

La Fura dels Baus combines the music composed by Carl Orff in 1930 for Carmina Burana with the...

Black and white photograph of the exhibit of Fina Miralles, presented in 1979, at the Fundació Miró)

The Fundació Joan Miró reproduces three exhibitions by female artists who, between 1970 and 1980,...

Routes and visits
An image of the dock and the Rellotge Tower years before the refurbishment

The refurbishment of the Fisherman's Wharf in the Old Port opens to the public, with a new...

A work by Indonesian artist Timoteus Anggawan Kusno

The centre is dedicating a temporary exhibition to the works of Musquiqui Chihying and...

American soprano and corean pianist portrayed

Although its main venue is a town in the regions of Girona, this year's Schubertíada includes four...

Fotografia d'Enrique Bostelmann, Archivo Marta Palau. © Oswaldo Ruiz.

The exhibition tells a story of exile and overcoming between textile installations and unpublished works...

Una de les imatges de l'exosició de Salgado, en què apareix una dona indigena.

Sebastião Salgado's majestic exhibition can be visited at Les Drassanes Reials from 4 December...

Una de les obres de l'artista mostra un home amb la cara dins la caputxa d'algú altre.

From 21 February to 26 October, MACBA is hosting the photographic and performative...

Cinema, Family, Routes and visits
Image of the poster advertising the activities

A cycle of activities in the different rooms of the Science Museum brings us into contact with the latest...

Routes and visits
An image from the guide that proposes an itinerary around Barcelona following Tàpies' works.

A guide published by the cooperative El Globus Vermell provides a free tour that reviews the...

La Sala de les paraules convida a explorar els arxius

The installation located in the Casa de l'Ardiaca showcases instruments, documents and words that form the...

Un dels elements del'exposició de Teresa Soler al MACBA.

An exhibition that traces the different creative stages of one of the most innovative artists of the...

All the activities of the search

Espectacle "Show de Ciències"

When: Del 12/10/2024 al 06/04/2025
Where: CosmoCaixa Barcelona Carrer d'Isaac Newton 26 (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi)

Exposició '[contra]panorama. Epíleg'

When: Del 24/10/2024 al 21/04/2025
Where: Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona Plaça dels Àngels 1 (Ciutat Vella)

Exposició 'Fora de marc'

When: Del 05/02/2025 al 26/10/2025
Where: CaixaForum Barcelona Avinguda de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia 6*8 (Sants-Montjuïc)

Patis escolars oberts al barri - Escola Calderón

When: Del 06/10/2024 al 22/06/2025
Where: Escola Calderón Carrer del Nil 27 - 29 (Nou Barris)

Exposició 'La fragilitat en el temps. Col·lecció de vidres del MAC'

When: Permanent event
Where: Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya Passeig de Santa Madrona 39*41 (Sants-Montjuïc)

Exposició 'Dissenyes o treballes? La nova comunicació visual. 1980-2003'

When: Permanent event
Where: Disseny Hub Barcelona Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes 37*38 (Sant Martí)

Visita virtual al Palau Güell

When: Permanent event
Where: Activitat en línia Activitat en línia

Experiència immersiva amb realitat virtual "Hotel Drácula"

When: Permanent event
Where: Immersive Center (Centre Comercial Westfield La Maquinista) Passeig de Potosí 2 - 4 (Sant Andreu)

Exposició 'Inner Natura'

When: Del 03/03/2025 al 28/03/2025
Where: Centre Cívic Can Deu Plaça de la Concòrdia 13 (Les Corts)

Cultural news


Walks through Cervantes' Barcelona

17/03/2025 - 08:00 h

An itinerary through the Catalan capital follows the foitsteps of Don Quijote and the author who wrote it.

SILVIAPC@Foto Alex Rademakers

Barcelona, capital of classical music and lyrical music

05/03/2025 - 12:00 h

The new edition of the Barcelona Obertura Ciutat de Clàssica festival welcomes more than five hundred musical figures, including international and local talents.


Barcelona promotes a scholarship on Cervantes and hosts the 3rd International Meeting of the Network of Cervantine Cities

27/02/2025 - 12:43 h

The city also incorporates the sculpture ‘Don Quixot’, by Juli González, into its heritage.

MayaDern-Meshes of the Afternoon, 1943 © All rights reserved by the artists : Courtesy of Light Cone-MuseuEtnologicMontcada

Maya Dern, a traveller and filmmaker at the Museu Etnològic

27/02/2025 - 10:45 h

The centre on Carrer de Montcada dedicates an exhibition to one of the key figures of 20th-century experimental cinema.


Dance performances that will thrill audiences at the 8th edition of Dansa Metropolitana

25/02/2025 - 10:52 h

From 13 to 30 March, Dansa Metropolitana 2025 will be bringing vitality and movement to 12 cities in the Barcelona metropolitan area.


Past, present and future of matter

20/02/2025 - 11:30 h

The new DHub exhibition questions the extractivist and colonialist logic and proposes new ways of designing with a positive impact on the planet.


Sala Gaspar and Alfred Jarry, themes of the 2025 exhibitions at Picasso Museum

28/01/2025 - 12:15 h

The centre, which has broken visitor records, is rearranging their permanent collection, which will have a different look from June onwards, and will open a new reception area at the end of the year.


La Capella opens 2025 with an exhibition by Daniel Moreno Roldán

27/01/2025 - 11:10 h

The Espai Rampa hosts a second exhibition by Pol Clusella Arimany, an immersive proposal on the imminence of catastrophe.

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By date:
E.g., 24-03-2025
E.g., 24-03-2025
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American soprano and corean pianist portrayed

Although its main venue is a town in the regions of Girona, this year's Schubertíada includes four...

Routes and visits
El MUHBA organitza una ruta per Barcelona per descobrir la transformació de les llibertats sexuals i de gènere - Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona

The Raval and the Gòtic serve as a stage to explore the construction of sexual and gender freedoms in an...

A work by Indonesian artist Timoteus Anggawan Kusno

The centre is dedicating a temporary exhibition to the works of Musquiqui Chihying and...

Routes and visits
An image of the dock and the Rellotge Tower years before the refurbishment

The refurbishment of the Fisherman's Wharf in the Old Port opens to the public, with a new...

Black and white photograph of the exhibit of Fina Miralles, presented in 1979, at the Fundació Miró)

The Fundació Joan Miró reproduces three exhibitions by female artists who, between 1970 and 1980,...

Fotografia d'Enrique Bostelmann, Archivo Marta Palau. © Oswaldo Ruiz.

The exhibition tells a story of exile and overcoming between textile installations and unpublished works...

Una de les obres de l'artista mostra un home amb la cara dins la caputxa d'algú altre.

From 21 February to 26 October, MACBA is hosting the photographic and performative...

A Felipe Romero Beltrán picture shows a boy near a pink wall

The photographic centre on Litoral Avenue is hosting the exhibitions ‘A propósito del paisaje...

All the activities of the search

Espectacle "Show de Ciències"

When: Del 12/10/2024 al 06/04/2025
Where: CosmoCaixa Barcelona Carrer d'Isaac Newton 26 (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi)

Exposició '[contra]panorama. Epíleg'

When: Del 24/10/2024 al 21/04/2025
Where: Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona Plaça dels Àngels 1 (Ciutat Vella)

Exposició 'Fora de marc'

When: Del 05/02/2025 al 26/10/2025
Where: CaixaForum Barcelona Avinguda de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia 6*8 (Sants-Montjuïc)

Patis escolars oberts al barri - Escola Calderón

When: Del 06/10/2024 al 22/06/2025
Where: Escola Calderón Carrer del Nil 27 - 29 (Nou Barris)

Exposició 'La fragilitat en el temps. Col·lecció de vidres del MAC'

When: Permanent event
Where: Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya Passeig de Santa Madrona 39*41 (Sants-Montjuïc)

Exposició 'Dissenyes o treballes? La nova comunicació visual. 1980-2003'

When: Permanent event
Where: Disseny Hub Barcelona Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes 37*38 (Sant Martí)

Visita virtual al Palau Güell

When: Permanent event
Where: Activitat en línia Activitat en línia

Experiència immersiva amb realitat virtual "Hotel Drácula"

When: Permanent event
Where: Immersive Center (Centre Comercial Westfield La Maquinista) Passeig de Potosí 2 - 4 (Sant Andreu)

Exposició 'Inner Natura'

When: Del 03/03/2025 al 28/03/2025
Where: Centre Cívic Can Deu Plaça de la Concòrdia 13 (Les Corts)