Schubert, in Barcelona
Although its main venue is a town in the regions of Girona, this year's Schubertíada includes four concerts at the Palau de la Música Catalana.
Since 1997, the Schubertíada has been held in the town of Vilabertran, an initiative of the Franz Schubert Association of Barcelona, which aims to raise awareness of the composer's work and that of other related musicians of his time, as well as to promote young talent. With such a long history, the Schubertíada has ended up spreading to other places, including the Catalan capital. Between 20 March and 27 May, next year's programme includes four concerts at Palau de la Música Catalana.
The Barcelona performances of the Schubertíada begin on 20 March, with performances by the American soprano Meredith Wohlgemuth, who has settled in Hanover, and the Korean pianist Jinhee Park. These two young talents are the stars of the programme Vienna 1900, which includes lieder by composers such as Wolf, Webern, Berg, Schumann, Schönberg and Schubert. Among the outstanding works to be performed are the Sieben frühe Lieder, early songs by Alban Berg composed between 1905 and 1908.
Come to Palau on 24 April and, in the second Barcelona session of the Schubertíada, you will meet the soprano Mireia Tarragó and the pianist Victoria Guerrero. Both of them will talk (and sing) about the Viennese singer and actress Lotte Lenya, who was the wife of Kurt Weill, with whom she fled to the USA. Do you know what the Hollywooder Liederbuch sounds like? Come and listen to it.
On 9 May, the programme Franz Schubert. El cant del cigne i altres lieder brings to the stage of the Palau the baritone Andrè Schuen and the piano of Daniel Heide. The last event in the cycle is on 27th May, when baritone Florian Störtz and pianist Aleksandra Myslek will perform works by Shubert and Richard Strauss, but also by a forgotten composer of the same period: Margarete Schweikert.
If you want to enjoy the Shubertíada in Barcelona, come to Palau de la Música, but first check the website for the full programme of the event.