Palau Montaner

District: Eixample

Neighborhood: la Dreta de l'Eixample

C. Mallorca, 278 (08037)
How to get there

Lluís Domènech i Montaner (1849-1923), the great modernist architect, continued the work on Palau Montaner, after Josep Domènech i Estapà, the building's first architect, left the project due to disagreements with the property owner. Despite the creative freedom that the building's owner, the publisher Ramon de Montaner i Vila, granted to Domènech i Montaner to build his family mansion, the architect decided to continue the work from the frame built by his predecessor, to include ornamental elements and to extend the planned eaves to soften the severity of the lines and give it character.


Inside, Domènech i Montaner sketched a vast hall with an imperial stone staircase with floral and animal-themed sculptural elements. At the top is a large mosaic glass skylight that illuminates the entrance with light pouring down from above.
Domènech i Montaner was surrounded by a team of the best craftsmen of the applied arts of the time: with the mosaics of Lluís Bru, the sculptures of Eusebi Arnau, the cabinet making and fabrics of Gaspar Homar, the metal work of Francesc Tiestos and the stained-glass windows of Antoni Rigalt, views of Palau Montaner.


Activities carried out there