New visions of Palau Montaner

Activity finished

C. Mallorca, 278 (08037)
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Presentation of a new historical-architectural study and visit to the building.

Commissioned by the Ministry of Territorial Policy, Fátima Domínguez Garijo, Celia Marín Vega and Carmen Rodríguez Pedret will present a historical and architectural study of Palau Montaner. They will highlight the building during the first stages of Barcelona's Eixample, the expansion of the city. They will contrast the visions of Domènech i Estapà and Domènech i Montaner concerning the building. They will draw up the detailed floor plan, including floor/ceiling relationships.
They will reveal hidden details and pose enlightening hypotheses within an overview that encompasses both the details and the building as a whole.


Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Event type
Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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