Watching buildings being built: the other architectural show

Activity finished

C. Olzinelles, 31 (08014)
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Workshops, reflection and debate on the urban activity of watching buildings as they are being built.

Workshops, reflection and debate on one of the most popular autonomous activities, especially among older people in contemporary cities: watching buildings being built. Through two collective research sessions on construction in Barcelona and a final day of feedback and public conversation, we will think about a phenomenon that has no formal theory within the discipline despite having a direct relationship with architecture and with the popular practices that architecture generates in its surroundings.


1st Day | Tuesday, 21 May (10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.): Collective research workshop session on construction in Barcelona.

2nd Day | Wednesday,22 May (10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.): Collective research workshop session on construction in Barcelona.

3rd Day | Friday, 24 May (6:00 p.m.-8:45 p.m.): A final session and public conversation at Lleialtat Santsenca (Sants). Presentation of the project “Autonomous or informal urban practices of older people (Ergosfera)”, presentation of the results of the workshop and conversation and open debate with Manuel Delgado (Professor in Urban Anthropology at the University of Barcelona).

Attendance to the sessions is free of charge. It is not necessary to participate in all sessions in order to attend.

Les sessions de taller de recerca col•lectiva del dimarts 21 i del dimecres 22 tindran un nombre màxim de participants de 20 persones, per la qual cosa cal inscriure-s’hi prèviament enviant un correu electrònic indicant només el nom, els cognoms i si es vindrà a una sessió o a totes dues.

Totes les activitats de la jornada final de devolució i debat del divendres 24 són obertes al públic i d’accés lliure sense necessitat d’inscripció.

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Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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